Paramus salon


Is It Time To Go Grey…Even A Little?

As any hairstylist will tell you, adding or covering grey is a battle of degrees; how much grey you let in or how much your cover-up; do you simply color your hair and never ‘go gray;’ do you let take over slowly over the years; do you just succumb and go completely frosty white.

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Too Many Hair Restoration Solutions?

Surely, lots of procedures and hair units are vetted by scientific research (and some not) and become industry standard lasting solutions that stick around and make real strides in balding. And then there are a bunch that don’t last as long as it takes to get their advertising up and running! Especially in this day and age where news travels faster than it is sometimes made, the public comes to learn all too quickly what works and what doesn’t.

The Price You Pay For Your Hair Solution

In choosing how best to battle your baldness, a little research of options, salons, and indeed pay points is highly recommended. Indeed, we often get what we pay for, but we all need well remember, is what we are paying for what we need, or is it the best we can find?

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