
Getting Your Guci Hair Cleaner?

The main thing for those guys and gals we regularly see at our Paramus hair replacement salon is that our customers treat their hair well, are vigilant in washing and conditioning, stay away from the overuse of product and hair drying, and keep to their scheduled appoints.

The State Of The Hair Replacement Industry or How COVID-19 Just Keeps On Giving

The silver lining here? Hair replacement price increases are not just a Guci Image problem. Hair replacement/hair restoration salons, the entire hair replacement industry, as well as so many others, is experiencing problems that affect bottom-line costs and production. We can only hope that the ‘strength in numbers’ of so many customers and providers working for solutions will push us all forward over this hurdle we are presently experiencing.

Chasing Baby Bangs

With ‘selfies’ and Instagram all the rage, whatever one person manages-be they star or everyday guy or gal-plenty of others can see/hear/experience. But is imitation […]

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