It’s Getting Very Grey In Here: The ‘Granny Hair’ Trend

It’s Getting Very Grey In Here: The ‘Granny Hair’ Trend

Don’t think for a second that the decision to ‘go grey’ or not (and no, not Christian Grey of “Fifty Shades” fame) doesn’t weigh heavy on men and women equally. Here at Guci Image we constantly work that delicate balance of adding just the right amount of silver or white into CTR units or extensions, as much as we do determining just how much natural thinning should show through for a client. But ‘trending’ currently (and that magic word sneaks into our current lexicon where it certainly had a whole different connotation before our digital age) seems to be the style, among older and younger men and women both, to as much dye one’s hair silver as to embrace a natural grey mane.

A vociferous and large population is taking to grey hair like never before. Akin to the trend of letting one’s dark roots show or purposely creating darker roots, it seems what was thought the absolute opposite of good hair color maintenance is now wholly embraced. You know a trend is popular when a hashtag suddenly pops up for it, as it has with hashtag #grannyhair, where thousands, young and old alike, are posting their grey-haired pictures daily. And when website asked for grey haired pictures from their readers they got over a million (and counting). Kelly Osborne, Nicole Richie and Rihanna are just a few younger notables who have gone grey purposely…Osborne way back in 2012 actually. But it seems when a more ‘mature’ celebrity-most recently Helen Mirren modeling for L’Oreal with her shock of white hair-uses her obvious age/look ageism is blown another heavy blow.

Motivations certainly vary, but is going grey an overall new trend? A current style? It’s ironic how that which so many have tried to avoid for so many years, suddenly becomes something so many want.

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