Robert Pattison

Robert Pattison Gets It Too…But You Shouldn’t

Just to make the point that net/news interest isn’t only on female celebrities do’s and cuts, there has been lots of trending speculation about Robert Pattison’s hair. Or more precisely, what his hat might be hiding. Yes, this falls well into the trivial to be sure, but when the Twilight star stepped out with his girlfriend FKA Twigs at a concert this week, it seemed to those who are looking for these things that Mr. Pattison was sporting a shaved Mohawk under his hat.

Those of us men who wear are probably more suspicious than most when it comes to hat wear. Even for the guys who come to Guci Image early on in their personal hair thinning progression have probably sported a baseball cap or two prior to getting fitted for a CTR , or coming to us for Micro-Grafting or Laser Treatments.  The last thing the blogists are suggesting is that Mr. Pattison is fighting a thinning hair line, but the minute one sees a man of a certain age start to sport hats, change-up cuts drastically, one does tend to wonder.

According to a study by Palacky University in the Czech Republic, 30% of men show some sign of baldness by the age of thirty and more then 50% by the time they are 50. And again, nobody is suggesting Mr. Pattison is in this 30%.

Luckily Guci Image has hair solutions for the 30 and the 50 percent-ers (and for women too.) All you need to do is research across this website, stop in to our Paramus N.J. offices, avail yourself of a free consultation (and remove your hat in comfort) to see what option will work best for you.

Do not wait until a hat becomes a regular part of your wardrobe. Certainly don’t take so long deciding to wear hair or finding other Guci solutions that when you do find a solution friends and family will notice a marketable difference in your appearance they will too easily be able to discern.

Contact Guci Image today.

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